What Is Dependency Injection?
Understanding Dependency Inversion & Inversion of Control
When you start working with frameworks like Laravel or .NET, a concept you frequently come across is "dependency injection". What dependency injection amounts to is that when one thing (like a class) needs something else, like an object, it gets it.
But what does this mean? How do we use it, and how does it work? Why is this even something we would care about? As I started learning MVC frameworks like Laravel, it took me a while to understand these concepts. This article gives a brief introduction to these concepts to help answer these questions.
What Is Meant by 'Dependency'?
Let's look at a real open source Laravel app called Screenly by Stefan Zweifel. It has a CaptureService
class that takes screenshots. CaptureService
itself needs, or 'depends on', a ChromeBrowser
object. In this case, we say that ChromeBrowser
is a dependency of CaptureService
The first way we may think to handle this situation would be to create a new instance of the ChromeBrowser
dependency on our own within the CaptureService
when needed, like so:
class CaptureService
* @var Screeenly\Services\Browser
protected $browser;
public function __construct()
$this->browser = new ChromeBrowser();
This approach does not use dependency injection. What's wrong with that?
This creates what we call "tightly coupled" classes, because the CaptureService
has to handle using and creating instances of ChromeBrowser
. There are a few problems with this:
- Adding new features or changing
may require us to updateCaptureService
and any other classes that useChromeBrowser
. - We have to create a new
instance every time we make anCaptureService
. What if we already have one somewhere? This would be inefficient. - Creating automated tests is difficult because we can't test
without it creating an actualChromeBrowser
. A problem with the latter could make theCaptureService
impossible to test or work on. - What if we later want another kind of browser, like a "FirefoxBrowser"?
Such tight coupling creates maintenance headaches when we later are required to make changes to CaptureService
for updates to ChromeBrowser
. Instead, we would prefer our classes to be 'loosely coupled'.
A technique we use to achieve this is dependency injection. Here's what it looks like to rewrite the above example with the use of dependency injection (which is how the real project works):
use Screeenly\Contracts\CanCaptureScreenshot;
class CaptureService
* @var Screeenly\Services\Browser
protected $browser;
public function __construct(CanCaptureScreenshot $browser)
$this->browser = $browser;
Above, we type-hinted the $browser
with the CanCaptureScreenshot
interface (not a real class type) and set it as a parameter for the constructor. This is enough to tell the framework to create an instance of the type of browser we want, such as ChromeBrowser
Laravel's service container contains the smarts (via a PHP feature called reflection) to understand how to create an instance of ChromeBrowser
with just this information. An instance of a class that fulfills this CanCaptureScreenshot
contract (that is, a browser) is then automatically resolved and 'injected' into the __construct
constructor method.
Dependency Inversion
Dependency injection is a key way we use the concept of "Dependency Inversion" (the D in the "SOLID" programming principles).
The key points of dependency inversion are these:
- High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules
- Both should depend on abstractions (interfaces)
- Abstractions should not depend on details
Going back to our Screenly example, note that $browser
is dynamic, as it is type hinted as the CanCaptureScreenshot
interface which requires the capture
namespace Screeenly\Contracts;
use Screeenly\Entities\Url;
interface CanCaptureScreenshot
public function capture(Url $url, $storageUrl);
There are multiple classes that implement the CanCaptureScreenshot
interface: ChromeBrowser
and InMemoryBrowser
. So by type-hinting the interface, we can actually potentially use either of these classes within the CaptureService
. Other browsers could potentially be added in the future that use this interface.
Laravel knows how to implement this interface, and what class to create because a service provider is configured that tells Laravel about this. See the following ScreenlyServiceProvider class
class ScreeenlyServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
$this->app['view']->addNamespace('screeenly', base_path().'/modules/Screeenly/Resources/views');
// Note that this binds ChromeBrowser to the CanCaptureScreenshot Interface
$this->app->bind(CanCaptureScreenshot::class, ChromeBrowser::class);
auth()->extend('screeenly-token', function ($app, $name, array $config) {
return new ScreeenlyTokenGuard(
public function register()
We can also observe that, for purposes of testing, we don't necessarily want to use ChromeBrowser
so we can see that in the API test suite, this same interface is resolved with a different class, the InMemoryBrowser
class ApiV2ScreenshotTest extends BrowserKitTestCase
/** @test */
public function it_returns_base64_representation_of_screenshot()
Storage::disk(config('screeenly.filesystem_disk'))->put('test-screenshot.jpg', file_get_contents(storage_path('testing/test-screenshot.jpg')));
$apiKey = ApiKey::factory()->create();
// Note that for testing we bind a *different* class to the CanCaptureScreenshot interface
$this->app->bind(CanCaptureScreenshot::class, function ($app) {
return new InMemoryBrowser('http://foo.bar', '/path/to/storage');
$this->json('POST', '/api/v2/screenshot', [
'key' => $apiKey->key,
'url' => 'http://google.com',
'data' => [
'path', 'base64',
The above demonstrates that by using an interface, we have the flexibility to free a class from needing to know anything at all about how that interface is implemented, and this allows for easier testing and more maintainable code.
Inversion of Control
Dependency injection is a specific implementation of a more general concept called inversion of control (IoC), which has to do with whether it is us (via our own code) or the framework that decides when to create classes, run methods, and such.
In procedural code, the code works through a series of operations in order, and the code fully controls when functions are called. This is inflexible and trickier to maintain as you end up with big chunks of tightly coupled code.
A benefit of a framework like Laravel, (or also a GUI framework like for desktop apps) is that the framework can decide when and how to create classes and run the functions (or methods) contained within them when needed. This is the primary job of the service container. The control is "inverted" to the framework, which allows your code to focus on the important responsibilities, making your classes more focused and easier to maintain.
It's like if you had a chauffeur drive you to work, rather than you operating every aspect of your car yourself. It frees your mind for something you'd rather focus on.
IoC is one way in which software is made more modular and extensible. Laravel makes it so easy to use dependency injection just by type hinting variables passed into class methods which will either create the objects or use existing "singleton objects" (of which there can be only one).
I hope this introduction to the concepts of dependency injection and inversion of control has been helpful. Feel free to ask questions in the comments. And if you enjoy this kind of content, you can follow me on Twitter at @jdlien.